

STCube Obtains EU Patent for Screening Method for Cancer Immunotherapy Candidates Using Radiation

관리자 │ 2019-11-28



STCube&Company, an affiliate of STCube, Inc. which is a bio company specializing in developing cancer immunotherapies, reported on the 28th that it successfully obtained a patent from the EU Patent Office on the screening method for anti-cancer immunotherapy candidates.

This screening method is highly sophisticated in that it involves determination of viability of immune cells upon exposal to gene manipulation induced by radiation in tumor microenvironments, which combines animal experiments with gene manipulation technologies.

An official of the company stated: “This proprietary screening method can be effective only when a large pool of genes is available for use. We seek to find, using this screening technology, proper candidates for immune-checkpoint inhibitors that can be developed into efficacious treatments for cancer." <End>

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